Gift Me
2019 HighTechU Academy - Cohort 2
Mini Pitch
This will be a great way for friends and families to organize gifts during holidays.
Problem Statment
Holidays can become a complicated time with regards to preparing and organizing gifts for family members and friend circles.
User Stories
- As an autheticated user, I want to suggest gifts I want to provide ideas or inspiration for the chat members.
- As an autheticated user, I want to be able to communicate with other users to discuss gift ideas.
- As an user, I want to be able to identify myself ao that people know who is getting what.
- As a chat creator, I want to be able to invite my friends or family so we can chat.
- As a autheticated user, I want to be able to navigate the site so I can switch between tasks.
- As a autheticated user, I want to be able to add to a list of gifts to keep track of ideas.
Website Pages
- Landing Page ->
- Login Page ->
- Chat Page ->
- List of Gifts Page ->
- Gift Suggestions Page ->
- Invite Page ->
- Accept Invitation Page ->
- Partial Page: Navigation Bar ->
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